5 Affordable Ways to Refresh Your Kitchen for Spring


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So I don’t know about you but all this warm weather we had in Oklahoma this past week makes me want to start transitioning my house to Spring, so I thought I would write a little post on 5 Affordable Ways to Refresh your kitchen for Spring. When you are done reading my blog, make sure to head to my friend Jen’s blog for more amazing Spring inspiration for your home.  Get a cup of coffee and make sure you have some time because I promise you, you will get lost in Jen’s gorgeous blog!

OK so let’s talk about affordable ways to refresh your kitchen for Spring! I was able to hop into a thrift store in Broken Arrow a few weeks ago after I met a friend for brunch—by the way did you know that Broken Arrow has the most amazing thrift stores and the cutest little downtown area ever? I want to go there once a week for reals and have lunch and walk around the thrift stores and shops. I tried Toast for brunch and you guys, a pimento cheese omelette-WHAT?!  And they aren’t messing around with those mimosas either. Do yourself a favor and go try Toast out, preferably for brunch so you can try the Mimosas, and you can thank me later. OK in typical CC fashion I’m all over the place, so back to my thrift store score—I scored this cute little dough bowl for a steal of a deal. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it then I decided it would make the perfect little fruit bowl for my kitchen and I’m super excited about it!  So here are my quick, easy, and affordable tips for adding some Spring color into your kitchen and make sure to check out some of the Spring products I sourced for you guys to help add some Spring colors! You can shop our kitchen look and favorite products below. Hope you get some quick and affordable ideas on ways to refresh your own kitchen for spring with this post!

1. Fresh Flowers – I mean if I could have fresh flowers delivered to my house every darn day, I would. But let’s be honest, that’s not in the budget so instead I got to Trader Joe’s. They have the best flower selection for the most affordable prices. If you don’t have a trader Joe’s in your area, try cutting fresh greens. I’ve even been known to stop on the side of the road—I’m not scared, although it completely mortifies Mike Miller when I do this—I’m the rule breaker, he’s the rule followers, clearly (#oppositesattract).  My favorite Spring flowers are hydrangeas, tulips, and peonies, all of which you can get at trader Joes for around $7 per bag. Whole Foods also has gorgeous flowers if it’s in your budget—it’s a lot pricier than Trader Joes. Sam’s also has flowers. They aren’t my fave because sometimes the mix is just a little too much (bright hot pinks and oranges and stuff) but they do also carry a bag of greens that I like that are affordable.


2.  Pellegrino – That’s right!  Those little green bottles of fizzy water are more than just a drink you guys. They are a cheap and affordable way to style your kitchen! I love buying Pellegrino and just setting them against my backsplash for a fun pop of green.


3.  Fresh Fruit and Lemons – So I told you guys about my dough bowl score at the thrift store. Notice I filled it up with Spring colored fresh fruit and set it on my countertop – lemons, pears, and limes are my favorites but I’ve also been known to throw in some apples and bananas. Setting fresh fruit out is an easy and affordable way to add some pops of color to your kitchen.


4. Step up your Vase Game – I’m a total sucker for cool vases. I love this green and gold one from Target and it’s so affordable. I love how it adds color and is different than just a plain white or glass vase. I’m pretty sure Mike Miller is going to turn me into Vases Hoarders Anonymous soon because our cabinets and storage spaces are quickly filling up with a ridiculous vase collection that is just embarrassing, I kid you not. But I just can’t help myself when I’m at Target, or even thrifting and I see a gorgeous vase for $5—I’m all $5 what?!?!  Well clearly I have to get that then, it’s just too good of a deal.  I also LOVE blue and white vases and have them all over my house. If you don’t have any blue and white in your home, what are you waiting for?  It’s a total game changer. You know you’re going to need some new vases to put all those pretty fresh flowers in you guys!

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5. Rugs – I recently scored this Safavieh rug for my kitchen on the Target aisle for $70. Um, HECK YES!  There are so many affordable rugs and runners out there that you can buy for your kitchen that will help you refresh your kitchen for Spring and add a pop of color to your kitchen. Here are some of my favorites for you guys.


Alright you guys this picture is a little Sneak Peek to an upcoming post on my prep kitchen. See that dark little hidden corner on the other side of my kitchen? Well it’s my prep kitchen. It’s an idea that our architect sold me on when we were designing our house. I was all – No. We don’t need a prep kitchen and I’m not doing it. Mike Miller was all Carissa I think you should consider it. Well guess who won? Mike Miller. And don’t tell him I said this but he was right. I’m so glad we did it and I will be sharing all the details on why and a look into this little nook we call the prep kitchen in an upcoming post so stay tuned!!  Happy Spring everyone.  Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and I hope this post gives you some ideas to start brightening up your home for Spring.

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Thank you for stopping by and now head to see my friend Jen’s gorgeous kitchen at – Decor Gold Designs – and get more amazing inspiration for how to refresh your kitchen for Spring!

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