Sharing is caring!
Hello and Welcome to CC and Mike’s Easter Parade Home Tour! Hopefully you are stopping by from Deborah’s at B Vintage blog and you’ve just taken her tour! After you are done with my tour please head to my friend Kathleen’s blog – Lindsay Hill Interiors and take her gorgeous tour then follow the blog hop at the end of this post to see lots of Easter and Spring inspiration for your homes!
Now before you take the CC and Mike Easter Parade Home Tour, I have a confession to make—I’m not a big Easter bunny fan. OK, there I said it. If that makes me an Easter Scrooge then so be it. As I was preparing for this tour, I was thinking through why I’m not all gaga over bunnies and eggs and all that Easter jazz, and I finally decided that it’s because of the way I grew up. You see, I’m a PK which is short for—”preacher’s kid.” That’s right, my dad was a preacher and therefore, Easter Sunday was never really about the Easter bunny for my family—it was more about church and family. That’s why, for our Easter tour, I wanted to do something special that involved family; so, I invited Grammy J over to make her famous Homemade Banana Pudding recipe with my daughter Emmy, also know as “little momma.” Emmy and her Grammy J had an amazing time cooking and spending the afternoon together while I decorated my kitchen for Easter. I kept it simple, using a “Happy Spring” banner from the Dollar aisle at target, $3 floral wrapping paper across my waterfall countertop to create 6 place mats, and flowering branches I clipped from the side of the road- Shhh!! Don’t tell Mike Miller because it drives him crazy when I do these types of things. 😜 We all know who the rule follower in our relationship is and guess what, it’s not me.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy our little Easter Parade Home Tour and I also hope you will try out Grammy J’s Homemade Banana Pudding recipe that we shared over on the blog yesterday. But even more so, I hope this post reminds you to keep it simple, spend time with family, don’t stress about things that don’t matter, and be thankful for your many, many blessings.
Thanks so much for stopping by! For more from CC and Mike, you can subscribe to our blog or follow us on Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter |
Please stop over to Lindsay Hill Interiors now and see her Easter table. It is to die for, as is her entire home, and you won’t want to miss her tour!
You can shop my Spring and Easter products here.

And you can shop our kitchen products and finishes here.

You can shop our breakfast nook products here.

You can shop my living room products here.

Summer Adams at Summer Adams Designs
Lisa at The Farmhouse on Boone
Kim and Lacey at Styled with Lace