So I’m currently obsessed with my cast iron skillet.  I’m talking, I want to use it for every single thing all the time because it is so amazing to only have to dirty one dish.  Ain’t nobody got time for all those dishes.  And you know what’s even more amazing?  Apparently, according to my mom, you aren’t even supposed to really scrub and clean a cast iron skillet.  You just wipe it down and I guess that just makes it more “seasoned.”  So in other words, cast iron skillets are pretty much amazing in every way so you should do yourself a favor and go buy one, like right now.  Because you’re gonna want to make this quick and easy skillet apple pie and some of the other new quick and easy recipes I’m going to post that I’ve been trying out in the skillet – like candied brussel sprouts and chicken thighs!

My mom called me a few months back and said she had been to a friend’s house and had a dessert that was revolutionary.  You don’t have to tell me twice.  She had me at dessert.  She got the recipe from her friend and emailed it to me and, well, you’re welcome because I’m sharing it with you.  I took this easy skillet apple pie to a party last month and you guys, I kid you not, it was gone before we even ate the meal.  Like completely gone, scrubbed clean, nothing but that yummy butter and sugar residue left in the bottom of the skillet.  Here you go!  This is the photo tutorial then directions are at the bottom.  Serve warm with vanilla bean ice cream and let me know if you make this amazingness!best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-9 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1 best-recipes-skillet-apple-pie-1


  1. Put 1 stick of butter and 1 cup of brown sugar in the bottom of a 10″ cast iron skillet.  Cook over low heat until melted.  Mix melted butter and brown sugar together
  2. Put 1 package of refrigerated pie crust on top of the melted butter and brown sugar mixture
  3. Cut up 5 to 6 apples or peaches and toss with 1/2 cup of sugar and several tablespoons of cinnamon.  Put this on top of the pie crust
  4. Take another pie crust and place on top then brush with egg white and sprinkle with sugar
  5. Cover with foil and bake for 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minutes at 350 degrees.  Take foil off halfway through
  6. Put a big old scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top and serve!

And if you need more detailed instructions this is very similar to the Easy Skillet Apple Pie recipe I posted a few weeks ago.  Basically you just sub peaches for apples and use a little less sugar since peaches are sweeter than granny smith apples.


Easy Skillet Apple Pie Recipe
Print Recipe
Quick and easy skillet apple pie that will knock your socks off. What else do you need to know?!?
Servings Prep Time
10 people 20 min
Cook Time
1 hour
Servings Prep Time
10 people 20 min
Cook Time
1 hour
Easy Skillet Apple Pie Recipe
Print Recipe
Quick and easy skillet apple pie that will knock your socks off. What else do you need to know?!?
Servings Prep Time
10 people 20 min
Cook Time
1 hour
Servings Prep Time
10 people 20 min
Cook Time
1 hour
Servings: people
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