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Hello and welcome to the Styled for Spring Tour where we are sharing our Spring front porch! Many of you will be stopping by from Abby’s blog – Just a Girl And Her Blog. Thanks! Wasn’t Abby’s tour gorgeous? I’m so honored to be a part of this blog hop with so many talented ladies. Speaking of talented ladies, I want to give a big “thank you” to Jen from Decor Gold Designs and Randi from Randi Garrett Design for inviting me to be a part of this tour.
Thank you so much for stopping by our little corner of the world and for checking out how the Miller’s styled our front porches for Spring! Feel free to stop by our Print Shop as well, where we sell original print our for home design, and when you are done with our tour, head on over to Dimples and Tangles to check out her Styled for Spring Tour. Keep following the blog loop for tons of inspiration for your home for Spring! I would love if you would follow along with us as we have some exciting new projects we will be announcing soon. You can subscribe to my blog and/or follow us on – Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter.
Thank you again for stopping by CC and Mike’s!
I am currently obsessed with cement planters. I love the clean, modern home decor look and I love the contrast of the light cement color with the vivid colors in the flowers and greenery of Spring plants. I’ve sourced all my favorite cement planters for you from places like Pottery Barn, Target, Wayfair, cb2, and West Elm. Don’t forget your own personalized front door mat like ours that says – Miller’s est. 2002! I love the personal touch this door mat gives when guests come to your front door.

Now that we’ve discussed cement planters and some of my favorite must-have items for your Spring porches, I have to mention exterior lighting because it is oh so important. We’ve been in our house a year and a half now and for that entire time (plus the year that we were building it) I searched for exterior sconces that were the right modern home decor style and size for my house. Well, I was never able to find some so I had these sconces made and I love how they turned out. If you are in the Tulsa area and would like the source for these modern sconces, feel free to contact me! And because I understand the struggle that is trying to find outdoor wall sconces to go with modern home decor, I’ve sourced several online options for you here:

You can shop our Entryway Look Here.

If you look at this picture of our full elevation, you will see that we have a little side porch area on the far right of our house. Of course I had to get it all fixed up for Spring too!
I’m loving those pops of purple with the heather and lilacs!
You can shop our Side Porch look here.

Shout out to Mike Miller for helping on this blog hop, even though I know he was annoyed that I bought so many plants when all I will do is kill them. I love you Mike Miller. Also, you’re so much better at vacuuming than me.
1 | French Country Cottage 2| Dimples and Tangles 3| Stone Gable
4| Randi Garrett Design 5| Craftberry Bush
6| Thistle Wood Farms 7| Zevy Joy 8| Decor Gold Designs 9| So Much Better With Age
10| Lindsay Hill Interiors 11| The Sunnyside Up Blog 12| CC & Mike 13| Just a Girl and Her Blog
Below are the participants in Week #2 – Bedroom, Dining and Living Room Spring Decor…
1| Decor Gold Designs 2| Shabby Fufu 3| Life on Virginia Street
4| Randi Garrett Design 5| Maison de Pax 6| Eleven Gables
7| Know How She Does It 8| A Thoughtful Place 9| The Leslie Style